Ray Path Healing Blessing Technique Workshop
Ray Path Healing Blessing Technique Workshop

Working with sound, colour and angelic symbols for blessing the chakras and strengthening the auric field.

What is the Ray Path Healing Blessings Technique?

To strengthen, purify and align the main 9 chakras and the human aura (energy field). There are eight human chakras and one angelic chakra that are worked with. The main eight human chakras are; earth star, base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown . The soul star is the “feet” of your higher self or solar angel. This chakra is angelic in origin and a part of your higher self. It is a higher or celestial chakra.

During this workshop we will learn about and explore the Ray Path Healing symbols for blessing and aligning the energy centres (chakras), from earth star to soul star. We will learn how to bless and connect with the chakras for inspiration and daily guidance.

Learning how to bless your chakras also helps them function better and from a better place internally within you. There have been many different and varied experiments done to show how thoughts and feelings affect and effect you. Blessing your chakras with the Ray Path Healing Blessing Technique symbols, is a powerful way to send your chakras “good thoughts”, which not only helps them function better but will help you feel internally better about yourself as well.

You will also learn about in detail, the main 9 chakras worked with (their location and purpose).

The aim of this workshop is to also deepen your connection to and understanding of meditating on colour, symbols and sound (words/invocations) for aiding with personal well-being.

Summary of purpose of this workshop :

  • To strengthen the chakras
  • To help keep the chakras clear
  • To align the personal self and personality
  • To strengthen the aura
  • To deepen your personal connection to yourself and assist with healthy relationships and connections around you on a daily basis.
  • To bring a deep sense of calm and peace into your life and world around you.

You will be taught these techniques through a unique and fun blend of theory, discussion and guided mediation. You will also receive two fully illustrated instruction manuals detailing all techniques and material taught.

This workshop is run over two consecutive days and will be facilitated by Chloe Folan. Please contact her directly to book in. This workshop can also be broken up into four shorter classes. If a group is interested a venue can be arranged or one on one teaching can be given via Skype or Zoom.

Please contact Chloe directly to enquire:

Mobile: 083 8003809

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or please use the contact form section on this website.