Advanced Akashic Record Reading
Advanced Akashic Record Reading

Advanced Akashic Record Reading

(In-depth past life readings)

Akashic Record Readings with Chloe Folan are unique readings that tap into the karmic patterns of your past lives to give you insight into origins of patterns and life events you are currently experiencing. This gives insight into why you are experiencing a repeat of events in your life. With this insight, this supports you in becoming more aware of your choices and life patterns that need to heal.

These one of a kind past life readings involve Chloe tapping to your planetary houses for key information on past life experiences with health, relationships (romantic relationships as well as friendships), education, mother/female past lives, father/male past lives and areas of creative growth and development.

These are sometimes progressive readings. With the detailed information that comes through not all houses can be read for in one session. Usually, people book two separate past life readings or if there is a past life you wish to explore in more detail one past life reading will be enough.

Akashic Record readings are one hour in length and provided via Zoom, Skype or phone.

Past life readings consist of a short discussion over what you wish to know the most about in relation to your past lives. You are guided through an opening meditation first, to align your energies and open the pathways to past lives. At the end of the past life reading there is a closing meditation to bring in cleansing and healing energies.

The energy exchange is €70 for these high-quality readings.

To book or enquire further, please contact Chloe through her website here: Contact Form