Adapted Mantra of Unification Prayer for evolutionary times.

A prayer for heart centred awareness and consciousness.

This prayer was translated from Sanskrit into English and was further adapted by Chloe Folan on 22/3/21. This is an ancient Atlantean prayer.

The adaptations still invoke the same energetic causations and connect with words and phrases more relevant to our times and current collective group consciousness.

The Mantra of Unification has the following healing effects:

  • Stimulates heart centred awareness in everyday life and daily contacts.
  • Helps with developing and cultivating heart consciousness. 

Adapted Mantra of Unification Prayer

“The sons and daughters of men and women are one, 
And I am one with them. 
I seek to love not judge, 
I seek to serve and not exact due service,
I seek to heal not hinder.

May I discover the deeper lesson in any suffering I experience, 
May love guide my darkest hours,
May my soul always light the way forward, 
And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time.

Let inner vision come and deep insight, 
Let the future be clear and bright,
Let inner union reflect healed outer circumstances, 

May love and compassion conquer all hindrances and obstacles,
May the human family know love.”

- Adapted by Chloe Folan - Clairvoyant on 22/4/21