August waning Moon Phase Northern Hemisphere.
August waning Moon Phase Northern Hemisphere.

Healing and release work with Archangel Raphael for the 6th Chakra (third eye).


Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of Healing. This is why he is associated with the 3rd eye centre. He helps us to heal what is holding us back from following our Divine inspirations and healthy goals in life. He helps us heal our trust in Divine guidance and in the existence of Divine powers.

Raphael also helps with physical, emotional and mental healing. Since we have free will, he and the Angels that assist him, must have your permission to help and intervene. If you ever find you are struggling to trust your life path and your healing journey, remember to ASK Raphael for help in your prayers. Build a relationship with this Archangel through prayer. You might even like to do some research on who this Archangel is and how he has influenced peoples healing journeys throughout history.

The answers to your prayers will come through being lead to the right people at the right time and in conversations you will have with other people. Pay attention to events that happen around you, while praying to Raphael for healing guidance.

