October Full Moon Blessings
October Full Moon Blessings

Energies are pouring into the planet from the constellation Libra (the scales of balance and justice) backed by the sun.

The moon is in Aries (the ram).

The keynote of the full moon energies this month are; lessons in applying knowledge.

This month provides opportunities and lessons in growth around not just acquiring and gaining knowledge but more importantly, HOW to apply it.

This is an important and key element to life. Yes, knowledge is power but only if applied healthy through life experience. We are not put on this earth to just read and know about life in theory. Gained knowledge must be put into practice and learned from. Applied knowledge must be experienced to be fully embodied.

Our solar angels (higher selves) did not descend into lower matter through the human family to learn theory. Applied knowledge experienced through the form worlds (physical, emotional and mental) is a deep part of higher self and personal self evolution.

One of the main keys to building the light body and evolving is practicing applying knowledge. Every life situation calls on different nuggets of personal wisdom to be worked with.

What knowledgeable ideas have you been carrying in your head that you have not made time to put into practice? What knowledge do you know but have not put into practice? This month will provide opportunities to do just that.


Chloe ✨
(c) Chloe Folan - Clairvoyant
Irish Mobile +353 (0)83 800 3809
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