The Solfeggio Frequencies and Antahkarana Thread Weaving
The Solfeggio Frequencies and Antahkarana Thread Weaving

The Solfeggio frequencies and antahkarana thread weaving; supporting the stages of building the Rainbow Bridge

The following frequencies do not cause antahkarana thread weaving but can complement the process. For those who are aware of which Rainbow Bridge building stage they are at, listening to the appropriate corresponding frequency is a lovely aid or tool to add a deliberate dimension of sound to your meditation practice (the Rainbow Bridge techniques). 

For capitalising on which frequency is best to utilise, it’s good to know what stage of building the Rainbow Bridge you are at. If you do not practice the Rainbow Bridge techniques yet, then the stage 1 or stage 2 frequencies are best to start with (see below recommended list). 

If you know the stage you are at, please review the below list and select the appropriate frequency. 

For best results, please listen to the selected frequency for 10 to 15 minutes a day through headphones. Just like listening to your favourite song. Just listen, you don’t have to meditate or do anything “special”. You can have a different time of day for your Rainbow Bridge meditation work. 

Listen to your selected frequency once a day for at least a month or until you notice tangible results. You can stop listening to the frequency at any time.

The solfeggio frequencies are perfectly safe and healthy for anyone to use. They do not have to be used in conjunction with the Rainbow Bridge techniques and can be used separately for different purposes and reasons. 

For more information on the stages of building the Rainbow Bridge please see link here:

For more information on The Rainbow Bridge techniques please see link here:

The Solfeggio frequencies: the awareness of these frequencies and the hertz these frequencies vibrate at to induce certain states and conditions, have been around for thousands of years. The causation of these frequencies has been documented and recorded throughout history by many different people. 

In today’s world many music artists in particular continue to incorporate these frequencies into their music, due to the benefits of listening to the solfeggio scales. While there are 6 main frequencies as time progressed, more were discovered and added to the recognised list. Nobody owns the hertz frequencies but individual artists do own their own music. Please keep this in mind. Listen to the frequencies for your own personal use. For public or commercial usage, you will need the artist’s permission who created the recordings of the frequencies.

For personal usage I can recommend the YouTube channel: Meditative Mind. Simply click on this link:

Then type in the frequency you are looking for into the search bar on their YouTube home page (see suggested usage list below). Enjoy! 

Frequencies in conjunction with the stages of building the Rainbow Bridge: 

Stage 1: 741hz 
Sol - problem solving and dietary cleansing and reorganisation. 

Stage 2: 825hz 
La - seeing through illusion on the astral planes and awakening intuition. 

Stage 3: 639hz
Fa - attracting in and connecting with people and circumstances in a healthier manner. Creating your soul path and service. 

Stage 4: 417hz 
Re - creating internal change and the power to re-order your life. Causes cleansing of past traumatic events and destructive past influences and imprints. 

Stage 5: 396hz 
Ut - clears obstacles to self-realisation. Cleanses out “hidden” blockages and subconscious negative beliefs that have led to current life situations.

Stage 6: 528hz
Mi - DNA repair. Healing genetic memory and instinctual reactions. 

Stage 7: 285hz 
Om/Aum - internal organ and tissue repair and rebalancing. Deep physical cellular healing. 

Stage 8: 963hz
Si - returning to oneness and one’s original state. 


Chloe ✨
(c) Chloe Folan - Clairvoyant - All Rights Reserved
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