Official Rainbow Bridge Techniques Phase One Class with Senior Facilitator Chloe Folan Clairvoyant Online Zoom Class

This is just a test video as a first attempt to create a video on holistically discussing what the first Birth Initiation is. I might remake this video but I hope this is a good first attempt.

We are living in a time of global crisis. The way we have treated our planet, each other and ourselves is being reflected back to us in the large pattern of events and current upheavals. We are forced to recognise that we are not separate from nature, but cells within the body of planet Earth. And that despite the inequalities, the differences, the sometimes polarised beliefs and perspectives that separate us, we are one humanity. The suffering or marginalisation of any of us affects us all. Our personal evolution is not some separate individual process but integral with our ancestral line, group relationships and soul lineage. For the soul is group conscious. We each contribute to the forward movement of the whole. At this time on the cusp of the Aquarian Age, we are becoming aware of our interconnectedness.